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Virginia 2024 Schedule




Groups arrive in the evening. Let us know your ETA as we'll have food for those close to supper time. 

Arrive at camp after 5pm.

Quiet hours after 10pm.

Lights out is 11pm.


*For late check-ins, please let Shad or Lauri know.

     Shad (540) 312-4592

     Lauri (540) 312-8141



Conference Day 2

8:15     Breakfast    

8:45     Meal Clean-up

9:00     Announcements (Shad) & Worship (Greg) 9:30     Session 4--Hazards & Joys of

                    Discipleship--Sean Reece                

10:30   Break

10:45   Breakouts 3

            Discipling the Addicted/Hurting

                                   --Jonathan Rigney

            College Ministry--Alex Latham

11:45   Break

12:00   Lunch/Director's Meeting

1:00     Meal Clean Up

1:15     Session 5--Heaven, Discipleship

                             Rewarded--Sean Reece        

2:15    Free time & Fellowship

3:15    Open Panel                                            4:15    Ministry Time

5:30    Dinner

6:30    Meal Clean Up

6:45    Session 6 --Wisdom vs. Folly, The Epic                                            Battle--Dr. Mark Hamby

7:45    Free Time & Fellowship

10:00  Quiet Hours, 11:00 Lights Out



Conference Day 1

8:15     Breakfast    

8:45     Meal Clean-up

9:00     Welcome (Shad) & Worship (Greg)

9:30     Session 1--Discipleship 101

                                         --Luke Nash                    10:30   Group Activity

11:00   Free time / Fellowship

11:30   Meet the Parmers   (David & Emily)

               --missionaries to Strasbourg, France

12:00   Lunch

1:00     Meal Clean Up

1:15     Session 2 -- Importance of Holiness in                              Discipling--Anthony Mathenia    2:30     Break Outs 1

            Accountability to One Another

-                                        -- Luke Nash

            Discipleship in a Sexually Broken Society                                                 --Anthony Mathenia

3:30     Free Time & Fellowship

4:30     Breakouts 2

Discipleship in the Home (men)--Greg Hedrick

Discipleship in the Home (women)--Kim Hedrick

5:30     Dinner

6:30     Meal Clean Up

6:45     Session 3 Prayer in Discipling

                              --Anthony Mathenia

7:45     Ministry Time

8:15     End of Day 1, Free Time & Fellowship

10:00   Quiet Hours         

11:00   Lights Out

Wednesday Morning


Post-conference Check-out

8:00am      To-go breakfasts available

9:00am      Check Out

Go Make Disciples!

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